The invitees in this blog hop are extremely talented and inspiring to me. I have been viewing their work on DPW (Daily Paintworks) and following their blogs for a long time! Ahh, this post is supposed to tell a bit about me and my process...
I started by painting smaller works, because my interests change often and I can offer them at a low price and still keep on painting. My studio would be quite cluttered at this point if I didn't sell them! I have a desire to better capture what I see in my head. I am goal oriented and I always feel the need to improve.
I am just getting to the point where I really like what
I love to paint birds, dogs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
1. What am I working on? Well, I usually have a whole bunch of paintings in all stages. Maybe I need more self discipline. My interests change sometimes after I already started a piece...and I like to paint in layers so they are sometimes shelved indefinitely- caught somewhere mid process! I probably should not admit such things.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? I really don't know.
3. Why do I create what I do? I've experimented with all kinds of materials, wood, glass, cement...I have always felt the need to create or beautify. My carpenter-husband and I are a lot alike, we do a lot of projects together, and he has outfitted every home we flipped with an art area and wood shop!
4. How does my creating process work? Sometimes I have something in mind when I start, sometimes I start and see where it takes me....always striving to let go and let myslef create. My favorite times are when I am in the groove and something great just comes out. I have thousands of photos I took on my iPhone, iPad and computer and sometimes I spend a lot of time combing through the photos and putting them in categories, cleaning it all up, looking for something to paint, then I don't have any time left for painting! But the bad art days taught me a valuable lesson, don't sit down to paint just bcuz there is time today. Wait till you feel inspired and it flows. That is precisely why I don't get a painting out every day or even once a week...oh and bcuz I have 3 'kids' in college...and a self employed husband. I also run the gathering of food in our community food pantry. So little time!

That's why sometimes the only painting time I get is when I paint in my head, noticing all the colors or shadows on someone's face or just the right angle of my dog:
I chose 2 of the painters I admire who will be blogging next Monday - October 27th, click on their links to see more of their work:

krista eaton paints lots of subjects and beautiful flowers, I just love them! Especially her tulips.
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